Civila samhället

Vetenskapsrådets ramprogram för forskning om det civila samhället

Bortom välfärdsstaten: europeiseringen av det svenska civilsamhällets organisationer

Anna Meeuwisse, Professor, Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet, projektledare.

Denis Frank, Fil dr, Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet.

Kerstin Jacobson, Professor, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, Södertörns högskola.

Håkan Johansson, Docent, Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet.

Sara Kalm, Fil dr, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet.

Roberto Scaramuzzino, Fil dr, Fakulteten för Hälsa och Samhälle, Malmö högskola.

Ylva Stubbergaard, Fil dr, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet.

Magnus Wennerhag, Fil dr, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, Södertörns högskola.



Scroll down for publications, events, related projects and links

I detta forskningsprogram undersöker forskare från olika samhällsvetenskapliga discipliner hur EU påverkar det svenska civilsamhället och frivilliga organisationer som företräder marginaliserade grupper (t.ex. fattiga, hemlösa, papperslösa). Frågorna väcks mot bakgrund av att EU numera också har en social och arbetsmarknadspolitisk agenda och på olika sätt försöker inkludera det civila samhället i politiska processer på EU-nivå. Vilken praktisk betydelse har dessa initiativ och hur använder de frivilliga organisationerna EU som en ”politisk möjlighetsstruktur”?

Eftersom relationen mellan EU och medlemsstaterna är komplicerad och den politiska strukturen har förändrats på ett sätt som får återverkningar på flera olika nivåer (nationell, regional, lokal) utgår projektet från ett ”flernivåperspektiv” och består av flera delstudier som bygger på olika datainsamlingsmetoder (analyser av relevanta dokument, intervjuer med organisationsföreträdare och EU-tjänstemän, deltagande observationer, enkätundersökning).



EUROCIV Report 2015-2 (under revision) Denis, Frank (2015) ‘Organisationsforskningens relevans för forskningsprogrammet “Bortom välfärdsstaten”’.

EUROCIV Report 2015-1 (under revision) Anna, Erneberg (2015) ‘The Europeanization of Civil Society A research overview’.

EUROCIV Report 2012-2 (PDF, 5.8 MB) Lee, Jayeon (2012) ‘The European Social Platform –Profile, membership and representation’.

EUROCIV Report 2012-1 (PDF 3.5 MB) Erneberg, Anna (2012) ‘Den Europeiska Kommissionen och det civila samhället Funktioner och roller för det civila samhällets aktörer’.

Other publications

Johansson, H. & S. Kalm (eds.) (2015), EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (2015) “Thinking Relationally: Questions, Themes And Perspectives For The Study Of EU Civil Society” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ruzza, C. (2015) “Changes In The Field Of Eu Civil Society Organizations: Institutionalization, Differentiation And Challengers” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bernhard, S. (2015) “Informational Capital: How It Is Developed And Used By Csos And Eu Institutions” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Johansson, H. & Lee, J. (2015) “Competing Capital Logics In The Field Of Eu-Level Csos: Autonomy From Or Interconnectedness With The Eu?” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cullen, P. (2015) “From Coalition To Community: Collective Identification Formation In The Social Platform” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sanchez-Salgado, R. (2015) “Exploring Competition And Cooperation Among Eu-Based International Solidarity Civil Society Organizations: The Relevance Of Values, Resources And External Support” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Stubbergaard, Y. (2015) “Conflict And Cooperation: Interactions Among Eu Level Civil Society Organisations In The Field Of Gender Equality” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Scaramuzzino, R. & Scaramuzzino, G. (2015) “Sex Workers’ Rights Movement And The Eu: Challenging The New European Prostitution Policy Model” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Frank, Denis (2015) “The Formation Of An Eu-Based Cso: A Case Study Of The Platform For International Cooperation On Undocumented Migrants” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bouza García, L. (2015) “The Effect Of The European Citizens Initiative In The Field Of European Civil Society” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Greenwood, J. (2015) “Civil Dialogue And The Citizens’ Initiative: Accounting For Collaboration And Competition Using The Advocacy Coalition Framework And The Strategic Action Field” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hedling, E. & Meeuwisse, A. (2015) “The ECI Stage: A Snapshot Of The Cast And Their Acts” in in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Georgakakis, D. (2015) “Fields With Fields? Concluding Remarks On The Relationships Between The European Civil Society And The EU Bureaucratic Fields” in Johansson, H. & Kalm, S. (eds.) EU Civil Society. Patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Meeuwisse, A, & Scaramuzzino, R (2015) “Europeanization of voluntary organizations in the social welfare area?” Paper presented at the 13th Annual Tissa Meeting August 24 – 26, 2015 , Sarajevo.

Scaramuzzino, R. & Wennerhag, M., (2015) “Civil Society Organizations Going European?: The Europeanization of Swedish CSOs.” SAGE Open, 5(2).

Meeuwisse, A. & Scaramuzzino, R. (2015) “Europeanization of voluntary organizations in the social welfare area?”. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) Ljubljana, 22-24 April 2015.

Hedling, E. & Meeuwisse, A. (2015) “Europeanize for Welfare? EU Engagement among Swedish Civil Society Organizations”, Journal of Civil Society, 11(1), pp.39–61.

Karlberg, E. & Jacobsson K. (2014) “A meta-organizational perspective on the Europeanization of civil society: The case of the Swedish Women’s Lobby”, Voluntas. International Journal of Nonprofit or Voluntary Organizations. Pre-published at:

Scaramuzzino, G. & Scaramuzzino R. (2014) “Violence, Sex or Work? Claims-making against the Swedish Ban on the Purchase of Sexual Services on the Internet.” Social Work & Society, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014. Download PDF (614 k)

Lundberg, E. & Sedelius, T. (2014). “National Linkages and Ambigyous EU Approaches among Euroepean Civil Society Organizations”, Journal of Contemporary European Research. 10 (3), pp. 322-336. Published in open access at:

Arvidson, M.; Johansson, H. & Scaramuzzino, R. (2014). “Holding back critique? How service and money shape advocacy tactics of CSOs”. Paper presented at the Voluntas Conference ‘The Welfare Mix, Hybridity and Government–Nonprofit Relationships in Post-Modern Welfare States’, 21-22 March 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark.

Scaramuzzino, R.; Wennerhag, M. & Johansson, H. (2014). “Mobilisation, Advocacy and Influence: Swedish interest groups and social movement organizations compared” paper presented at the 8th ECPR General Conference in Glasgow 3rd – 7th september 2014, at the Interest groups and social movements panel. Download PDF (561k)

Scaramuzzino, R. & Wennerhag, M. (2013) “Influencing politics, politicians and bureaucrats: Explaining differences between Swedish CSOs’ strategies to promote political and social change” paper presented at the 7th ECPR General Conference Sciences Po, Bordeaux 4th – 7th September 2013, at the “Influencing the Bureaucracy” panel. Download PDF (641k).

Scaramuzzino, R. & Wennerhag, M. (2013) “Civil Society in a Global Context”. Presentation, Swedish Research Council´s Program for Research on the Civil Society. Date: Thursday May 16 and Friday May 17, 2013. Download PDF (639 K).

Scaramuzzino, R. (2013) “The EQUAL-program in Sweden and Italy, a new opportunity structure for immigrant organisations” in Vad Jonsson H.; Onasch E.; Pellander S. & Wickström M. (Eds) Migrations and welfare states: Policies, discourses and institutions. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research.

Scaramuzzino, R. (2013) I statens tjänst – Så påverkas invandrarorganisationer av politiska krav och förväntningar. Stockholm, Sektor 3.

Hedling, Elsa (2012) The European Citizens’ Initiative New Opportunities for European Civil Actors? Master thesis. Lund Department of Political Science. Download PDF (1,4 MB)

Hedling, Elsa (2012) “Why Europeanize: Patterns of EU activities among a sample of Swedish CSOs”. Presentation 24-25 th Oct. 2012 at EUROCIV workshop, Flädie Mat & Vingård. Download PDF (455 K)

Hedling, Elsa (2012) “The European Citizens´ Initiative
– new possibilities for European citizens?”. Presentation at EUROCIV workshop at Gamla Biskopshuset, Lund University. Download PDF (1,2 MB)

Johansson, H. (2012), “Who do they Represent? Mixed Modes of Representation in EU-based CSOs”, IN. Kröger, S. and D. Friedrich (eds.) Representation in the European Union: Coping with present challenges to democracy, Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills.

Johansson, H. & M. Johansson (2012), ‘From a liberal to a Social Democratic welfare state: the policy transfer of the UK Compact?’, Nonprofit Policy Forum. Vol. 3, Issue 2, Article 6.

Johansson, H. & Lee, J. (2012). ‘Bridging the Gap: How do EU-Based Civil Society Organisations Acquire Their Internal Representation?’. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9343-4

Lee, Jayeon (2012) ‘The European Social Platform – Profile, membership and representation’.  EUROCIV Report, Vol. 2012:2.  Download  EUROCIV Report 2012-2 (PDF, 5.8 MB)

Erneberg, Anna (2012) ‘Den Europeiska Kommissionen och det civila samhället Funktioner och roller för det civila samhällets aktörer’.  EUROCIV Report, Vol. 2012:1. Download EUROCIV Report 2012-1 (PDF 3.5 MB)

Scaramuzzino, R. (2012) Equal opportunities? – A cross-national comparison of immigrant organisations in Sweden and Italy. Malmö University Health and Society Doctoral Dissertations 2012:5.

Scaramuzzino R. & Johansson, H. ”Understanding and explaining strategic collective action in political groups: two theoretical approaches compared” presentation at ESA Research Network 32 – Political Sociology 2nd Midterm Conference, University of Milan, 30/11-1/12 2012. Download PDF (616 K)

Johansson, Håkan (2011) ‘Påverkar EU det svenska civilsamhället? – exempel från pågående forskning’.  Presentation at the Swedish Research Council’s conference Arenan för civilsamhälle och vetenskap. february 2011.  (Download PDF, 1.3 MB)

Johansson, H. & B. Hvinden (2011), The Role of Civil Society Organizations in EU Social Policy-Making: the Case of Anti-Poverty Organizations, Paper for the 9th Annual ESPAnet conference, ‘Sustainability and transformation of European Social Policy’, 08.-10.September 2011, University of Valencia, Spain.

Johansson, H. & L. Johansson (2011), “Friviligorganisationerna och den lokala välfärdspolitiken”. i T. Salonen (red.), Hela Staden. Social hållbarhet eller designtegration. Umeå: Borea förlag. (tillsammans med Linn Johansson).

Johansson, H., A. Kassman & R. Scaramuzzino (2011), Staten och det civila samhällets organisationer i ett föränderligt välfärdssamhälle. Perspektiv på en överenskommelse. Stockholm: Kansliet för överenskommelsen.

Johansson, H. (2011), “Sverige och EU:s fattigdomspolitik”. I Swärd, H. (red.), Fattigdom och politik. Stockholm: Carlssons förlag.

Johansson, H.; Johansson, L. & Scaramuzzino, R. (2011) Mellan deltagande och inflytande – En kartläggning av brukarråd i Skånes kommuner. Meddelande från Socialhögskolan, Lunds Universitet, 2011:3.

EUROCIV application to the Swedish Research Council (Ref. 2010-1678) (Download PDF, 191 K).

Johansson, H. (2010) ’Den Europeiska Unionens politik mot fattigdom och social exclusion: en historik’. Socionomens forskningssupplement. Temanummer om fattigdom. Nr. 1., s. 23-30

Scaramuzzino, R., C. Heule, H. Johansson & A. Meeuwisse (2010), EU och den ideella sektorn. Rapportserie 2010:2. Malmö: Malmö Högskola


2013-05-16 – 2013-05-17 – Swedish Research Council, international conference in Stockholm., Sweden.

2013-06-25 – 2013-06-27 – CES-conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (program will be published at the Council for European Studies’s homepage: by the 1 st of April).

2013-09-06 – Swedish Research Council, international conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.

2011-11-30 – ”Between transformative ideals and institutionalized realities: does the resource dependency of the EU-based civil society organizations restrict their role as challengers to the EU?”. Paper presented at the ESA RN32 Political Sociology, Mid-term Conference in Milano, Political Participation and beyond. Multi-level dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in times of crisis. By: Jayeon Lee & Håkan Johansson, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.

2012-10-24 – EUROCIV Workshop, at Flädie Mat & Vingård, Malmö, Sweden.

2012-08-31 – Presentation of the EUROCIV-program at the School of Social Work’s Open House (”Öppet Hus”) event, Lund, Sweden, by Anna Meeuwisse.

2012-09-07 –‘Bridging the Gap: How do EU-Based Civil Society Organisations Acquire Their Internal Representation?’, presented by Jayeon Lee at the joint working seminar for the framework research program on the civil society financed by the Swedish Research Council, Lund, Sweden.

2012-06-15  – EUROCIV Workshop. At Gamla Biskopshuset, Lund, Sweden.

2012-2  – Presentation at the Swedish Research Council’s conference in Stockholm, Sweden: ”Arenan för civilsamhälle och vetenskap”. By Håkan Johansson & Elsa Hedling, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.

2011-02-03 – Beyond the Welfare State: the Europeanization of Swedish Civil Society Organizations, meeting at Scandic Hotel ST. Jörgen, Malmö, Sweden.

2011-02 – ’Påverkar EU det svenska civilsamhället? – exempel från pågående forskning’. Presentation at the Swedish Research Council’s conference in Stockholm, Sweden: ”Arenan för civilsamhälle och vetenskap”. By Håkan Johansson, School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden.

Related projects

EUROCIV on social media

▪    Eurociv on Facebook:
▪    Eurociv on Twitter:
▪    Eurociv blog:

▪    Center for European Studies, Lund University:
▪    Democracy Beyond the Nation State? Transnational Actors and Global Governance (Transdemos)

General links
▪    Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden:
▪    Lund University, Sweden:
▪    School of Social Work, Lund University, Sweden: