
En blogg från centrumbildningen Förvaltningsakademin vid Södertörns högskola.

Förvaltningsprocessen och rättegångsbalken 2018 Ribbing, Michaela Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)

The aim of the thesis Administrative procedure and the Code of Judicial Procedure isto analyse the role or function of the Code of Judicial Procedure in administrative procedure and the significance of administrative procedure in this regard.

Public administration is of great importance in Swedish society and concerns personal and economic values that are important for citizens. Administrative courts review the decisions of the public administra­tion in an administrative procedure. The administration of justice by adminis­trative courts is therefore an important part of the rule of law in Sweden.

Administrative procedure is a specific form of procedure with its own judicial structure in three instances. Because of the structure and design of the proce­dure, however, sometimes a rule in the Code of Judicial Procedure is used. This thesis identifies three typical situations where this happens. However, the Code of Judicial Procedure was drafted exclusively with regard to procedure in general courts and is based on procedural principles that are different from those on which administrative procedure is based. Against the background of the characteristics that form the basis of administrative procedure, it is therefore not obvious that a rule in the Code of Judicial Procedure should serve as guid­ance in administrative court procedure. The difficulty lies in determining in which procedural situations it is appropriate to use the Code of Judicial Proce­dure in administrative procedure. This uncertainty can be perceived as a prob­lem, since the Code of Judicial Procedure could, in some cases, be used without reflection. It cannot be precluded that such a use would involve a risk that the characteristics of administrative procedure may not be fully observed.

The thesis identifies and analyses cen­tral characteristics of administrative procedure, which are used as an analytical framework to establish how procedural situations are resolved in administrative procedure compared with general procedure. Additionally, the thesis analyses why and how the Code of Judicial Procedure is used in administrative pro­cedure, i.e., how such use is manifested through the three points of contact. Against this background, the thesis discusses how administrative procedure can be developed through legislation and case law.

Deciding the demos: three conceptions of democratic legitimacy Beckman, Ludvig Stockholms universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen. Institute for Futures Studies, Sweden. 2019 (Engelska) Ingår i: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, ISSN 1369-8230, E-ISSN 1743-8772, Vol. 22, nr 4, s. 412-431

Abstract [en]

The prevailing view is that democratic procedures are unable to confer democratic legitimacy to decisions about democratic procedures. This paper examines this claim in detail and uses referendums on the inclusion of previously disenfranchised groups in the demos as a running example. The paper distinguishes between pure, imperfect and quasi-pure models of procedural democratic legitimacy and sub-versions of them. To various extents, each model does have the capacity to confer legitimacy to demos decisions under well-defined circumstances. The paper argues that quasi-pure procedural legitimacy represents the most promising account of democratic legitimacy in cases where democratic procedures are the subject of collective decision-making. According to this model, the decision to revise the rules for membership in the demos is permissible by democratic standards if and only if the revision is not forbidden by democratic principles for inclusion. The point is that the range of alternatives that are not forbidden by democratic principles of inclusion are likely to be considerable due to vagueness of the principles themselves and/or them being subject to reasonable disagreement. The paper concludes with a discussion about the possibility of democratic legitimacy for democratic institutions not introduced as a result of democratic decision-making.

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2019. Vol. 22, nr 4, s. 412-431

Conceptualizing dysfunctional consequences of performance measurement in the public sector Siverbo, Sven Högskolan Väst, Institutionen för ekonomi och it, Avd för företagsekonomi. ORCID-id: 0000-0001-8860-6944 Cäker, Mikael Trondheim Business School, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden. Åkesson, Johan University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2019 (Engelska) Ingår i: Public Management Review, ISSN 1471-9037, E-ISSN 1471-9045

Abstract [en]

Performance measurement (PM) has become increasingly popular in the management of public sector organizations (PSOs). This is somewhat paradoxical considering that PM has been criticized for having dysfunctional consequences. Although there are reasons to believe that PM may have dysfunctional consequences, when they occur has not been clarified. The aim of this research is to conceptualize the dysfunctional consequences of PM in PSOs. Based on complementarity theory and contingency theory we conclude that dysfunctional consequences of PM are a matter of interactions between PM design and PM use, between control practices in the control system and between PM and context. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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What logics drive the choices of public decision-makers? Nilsson, Jens Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, Samhällsvetenskap. ORCID-id: 0000-0002-3038-8419 2018 (Engelska) Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)

This thesis explores what logics drive the decisions of public decision-makers. More specifically, and drawing on new institutional theory, this topic is investigated from the perspective of how institutions, i.e. the formal and informal patterns of rules and practices, influence public decision-makers. New institutionalism has a variety of ideas on how this decision-making occurs and recent research in this tradition emphasizes the importance that context has for the empirical support of these ideas. At the same time, studies exploring, contrasting and converging new institutional ideas, and how these vary depending on context i.e. their conditionality, are lacking. In this thesis, I set out to address this knowledge gap and, moreover, to examine the role of personal values for the new institutional ideas on how institutions affect the public decision-makers. Personal values have not been emphasized in new institutional studies but successfully explained decision-making from other perspectives. By adding this dimension, I seek to explore whether individual factors, in this case the personal values the public decision-makers bring with them into the institutional context, affect the way they make decisions. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to explore what decision-making logics that are at play among public-decision-makers and how this varies depending on context and personal values. This exploration is conducted by deriving and testing hypotheses on decision-making, from rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism, in two different contexts, parliaments and collaborative management, within the same national arena. Parliaments have a homogenous composition of actors, i.e. politicians, whereas collaborative management arenas are constituted by the inclusion of both public and private actors in decision-making, resulting in a more heterogeneous composition. Through a study of local parliaments and wildlife conservation committees (a form of collaborative management on the regional level) in Sweden, the aim of the thesis is fulfilled by survey and interview analyses of decision-making in regards to different policy issues. The results show that there are different decision-making logics at play in the parliamentary case compared with the collaborative management case. Further, personal values influence the decision-making logics among the public decision-makers. The implications of these results are, firstly, that the conditionality of new institutionalism, as suggested in earlier research, is empirically prevalent in the studied cases and, secondly, that personal values play a role for what decision-making logics that are at play. Further research is encouraged to delve deeper into the results, preferably through qualitative studies that could complement the primarily quantitative focus of this thesis, and through studies of other national contexts than Sweden.

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Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet, 2018.


Doctoral thesis / Luleå University of Technology 1 jan 1997 → …, ISSN 1402-1544

Searching for managerial discretion: How public managers engage managerialism as a rationalization for increased latitude of action Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, refereegranskad Författare Tom Karlsson | Förvaltningshögskolan Publikationsår 2019 Publicerad i Public Management Review, 21 (3), 315-333

This article focuses on the managerial discretion that public managers experience. More specifically, it discusses how managerialism is an embedded ideological stance that influences understandings of public sector governance. I argue that managers’ perceptions of discretion are affected by these understandings. The analysis draws on empirical data from a longitudinal study, demonstrating how public managers engage discourses emanating from managerialism in order to rationalize increased discretion. The findings suggest that customer perspectives functions as a rationalizing factor for engaging public managers’ transition towards increased discretion. As such, this article contributes to knowledge about managerial discretion as well as managerialism.Länkar

Vad händer i själva verket?: Om styrning och handlingsutrymme i Skolverket under åren 1991–2014 Magnusson, Eva Maria Uppsala universitet, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Företagsekonomiska institutionen. ORCID-id: Dalmatiner2 2018 (Svenska) Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)

Abstract [en]

This thesis deals with questions of governance, control and discretion in state agencies. It is grounded on a case study of the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), from its prelude in the late 1980s, to its start in 1991, through several governments, seven ministers and four direktor generals, up tp 2014.

The empirical part of the thesis follows the periods of the four director generals. The study is based on a vast number of documents, supplemented with interviews. For the analysis, a model of governance and control was condensed from the literature. This model attempts to cover both the political governing of agencies and the internal organizational control of agencies. This model was furthermore developed into three ideal type control styles: Old public management/ Agency, New public management/ Actor, and New public governance/ Arena.

Analysis showed that Skolverket started out as a new type of agency, resembling the ideal type of NPG/ Arena, but over time, with an increasing pressure from the political level, it gradually turned into a more “normal” state agency, at one period resembling the ideal type of NPM/ Actor but finally becoming more similar to the ideal type of OPM/ Agent, however with still strong internal traits of an Arena.

Further analysis showed that the actual governance and control featured several crucial characteristics that proved to be of importance for the amount of discretion left for the directors and officials of the agency. These characteristics were the degree of 1) unified or plural value systems, 2) partial or comprehensive use of control “tools”, and 3) high or low degree of specificity. These three characteristics were combined into eight different types of roles, each with a specific type and level of discretion, from the most restricted (“Authoritarian”) to the most unrestricted (“Laissez-faire”) and six other roles in between. It is proposed that this scheme of roles form a novel way of analysing the level and distribution of discretion in agencies.

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Uppsala: Företagsekonomiska Institutionen , 2018. , s. 216

Trafikverket: En förvaltningspolitisk historia Jacobsson, Bengt Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, Förvaltningsakademin. Mujkic, Leonora 2016 (Svenska)

Abstract [sv]

Styrningen av transportpolitiken avspeglar generella trender i samhällsstyrningen. Precis som i andra delar av samhället, har idéer om konkurrens, marknader, management, renodling och samverkan väglett utvecklingen inom detta politikområde.

Tre faser kan urskiljas i styrningens historia. Först den organisering som skedde i slutet av 1980-talet – framförallt uppdelningen av SJ – där förutsättningar för konkurrens skapades. Därefter en mellanperiod där det skapades interna marknader inom Banverket och Vägverket. I en tredje fas inrättades Trafikverket som en marknadsskapande myndighet.

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Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2016. , s. 53


Förvaltningsakademin ; 8

Nationell ämneskategori


Interpreting Policy Convergence Between the Left and the Right Wennström, Johan 2019

Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Linköpings universitet, Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)Abstract [sv]

Avhandlingen består av fyra artiklar om svensk utbildnings- och migrationspolitik och en kappa som syntetiserar de enskilda studierna. Den första artikeln undersöker hur svenska lärares yrkesstolthet och inneboende drivkrafter att göra ett bra jobb har påverkats av vänster- och högerpolitikers syn på läraryrket. Den andra artikeln undersöker hur marknadsutsättningen av det svenska skolväsendet har påverkat kunskapsnivån bland svenska elever. Den tredje artikeln bygger vidare på de två första studierna och undersöker synen på ämneskunskaper i skolans styrdokument och dess påverkan både på läraryrkets ställning och elevers kunskaper. Den fjärde artikeln undersöker det geografiska mönstret i kommunplaceringen av nyanlända flyktingar i Sverige.

Avhandlingens övergripande bidrag är att den, genom att studera två olika politikområden, visar att vänstern och högern i Sverige har en omedveten benägenhet att konvergera politiskt. Trots att man anser sig stå på olika sidor i politiken visar empirin i de fyra studierna att vänster- och högerpolitiker i främst Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna har dragit åt samma håll i både utbildnings- och migrationspolitiken.

Den första artikeln visar att politiker både till vänster och till höger ofta har varit skeptiska till lärarnas inflytande i skolan och sett det som ett hinder för elevernas frihet och lärande, vilket har bidragit till att underminera lärarnas professionella etos. Den andra artikeln visar att både vänster- och högerpolitiker underlät att utforma regelverket för skolkonkurrensen så att privata utförare styrdes mot att erbjuda en undervisning av hög kvalitet. I stället uppstod en konkurrens med höga betyg. Den tredje artikeln visar likaledes att skolans konstruktivistiska kunskapssyn, som både har reducerat lärarnas yrkesroll till förmån för elevernas eget arbete och förstärkt utvecklingen mot en konkurrens med betyg, har stöttats av såväl vänster- som högerpolitiker. Den fjärde artikeln visar att nyanlända flyktingar främst har tagits emot av mindre kommuner i avfolkningsbygder präglade av hög arbetslöshet. I artikeln framhålls att denna kontraproduktiva policy har sin grund i både vänster- och högerpolitikers välmenade idéer om flyktingmottagandet som först lanserades på nationell nivå.

Då statsvetare i såväl Sverige som internationellt ofta har antagit att vänster och höger utgör politikens motpoler erbjuder avhandlingens huvudresultat ett nytt perspektiv. Sannolikt kan det generaliseras till ytterligare politikområden. Kappan ger även en nydanande förklaring till politisk konvergens som går ut på att vänstern och högern, åtminstone i en svensk kontext, delar en moraluppfattning som främst betonar individens frihet och rättigheter medan andra, balanserande moraliska värden tonas ned. En implikation av detta är att det skapar utrymme för nya partier som positionerar sig i den nisch som därigenom uppstått.

The shared principalship: invitation at the top Döös, M. Stockholm University. Wilhelmson, L. Stockholm University. Madestam, Jenny Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, Förvaltningsakademin. Örnberg, Å. Stockholm University. 2018 (Engelska) Ingår i: International Journal of Leadership in Education, ISSN 1360-3124, E-ISSN 1464-5092, Vol. 21, nr 3, s. 344-362

Abstract [en]

A school principal’s workload is recognised as being heavy, with an imbalance between demands and resources. This paper contributes to the development of collective leadership. The principalship constellations of six schools in Sweden were studied with the aim of strengthening the current knowledge about structures and experiences of shared principalship. The empirical basis is qualitative data from interviews with principals and vice-principals. The analytical focus was on how the sharing structures were organised and how the shared principalship was experienced. The results point to a considerable variation in the organisational structures of shared principalship. Despite the type of model, form and constellation, the principals and vice-principals voiced a striking sense of relief in not feeling alone in their duties, as problems and troubles became manageable. An intensified interaction level in the principalship constellation created opportunities to develop competence. Theoretically, this study broadens the invited leadership concept to include horizontal invitations across unit boundaries between principals in different units within the same school. The knowledge contribution of this study is useful in discussing the legal possibilities for shared principalship, which may be especially relevant in times when the Swedish school system is being criticised for not delivering good student outcomes.

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2018. Vol. 21, nr 3, s. 344-362

Nationell ämneskategori

Studier av offentlig förvaltning Utbildningsvetenskap

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