Civila samhället

Vetenskapsrådets ramprogram för forskning om det civila samhället

Digitala media och civilsamhälleliga nätverk: Nationella och transnationella offentligheter

Alexandra Segerberg, Fil dr, universitetslektor, statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet, projektledare.

Lance Bennett, Professor, department of political science, University of Washington.



Digital Media and Civil Society Networks: National and Transnational Publics
This project focuses on two components of civil society in transformation: its collective action and its publics. How does contemporary collective action work? What is the capacity of civil society networks to engage national and transnational publics? The project studies how digital communication is used to engage and create structure in fluid public spaces by analysing protest and advocacy networks in two transnational issue clusters across three EU countries. It explores core conceptual issues of how to conceive of digitally networked action and publics, and how to approach democratic legitimacy in the context of networks. Empirically, it explores dilemmas facing networks of advocacy actors struggling to maintain coherent agendas and engage citizens under individualised conditions.

Selected Publications

W. Lance Bennett and Alexandra Segerberg (2012). The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious Politics, Information Communication & Society, Vol. 15:5,

Alexandra Segerberg and W. Lance Bennett (2011). Social Media and the Organization of Collective Action: Using Twitter to Explore the Ecology of Two Climate Change Protests. The Communication Review, 14 (3), pp. 197-215.