
En blogg från centrumbildningen Förvaltningsakademin vid Södertörns högskola.

Systemutveckling och arbetsmiljö: Att förebygga hälso- och arbetsmiljöproblem vid datorstött arbete genom bättre systemutveckling

Åborg, Carl; Uppsala Universitet.

Sandblad, Bengt; Uppsala Universitet.

Gulliksen, Jan; Uppsala Universitet.

Kavathatzopoulos, Iordanis; Uppsala Universitet.

Ingår i: Arbete, människa, miljö & Nordisk ergonomi, Luleå: Nordiska ergonomisällskapet , 2001, s. 14-18

Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor

Luleå: Nordiska ergonomisällskapet , 2001. s. 14-18

The transformation of public officials: from democrats to meritocrats


Författare Vicki Johansson |Förvaltningshögskolan Publikationsår2019

Publicerad iEuropean Group of Public Administration (EGPA) 11-13 September, Belfast


A meritocracy like all other ”cracies” aside from democracy is a stratification system in which one group of citizens is given greater legitimacy than others to participate in society’s collective decision-making processes. Nevertheless, as societal decision-making systems meritocracy and democracy are entirely incompatible. Is a society a meritocracy (those with knowledge govern and make decisions) it is not a democracy (all members regardless of knowledge govern and make decisions). Here, it is necessary to point out that meritocracy as a societal decision-making system does not equalize with meritocracy as a recruitment system. In contemporary political-administrative systems meritocratic and democratic decision-making principals are at work parallel and simultaneously at the same time as both meritocratic and democratic values are cherished and regarded as legitimate. One reasonable proposition is that when two basic values are conflicting with time one value will be strengthened on the expense of the other; Are democratic values strengthen meritocratic values are weekend and vice versa. In this paper changing values among managers and senior public officials and managers in Swedish municipalities is analysed. The analysis is based on two identical surveys conducted 1980 and 2016 (i:e before and after the implementation of NPM-inspired reforms) where a representative sample of municipal managers and senior officials were given the opportunity to answer questions about their tasks, working conditions, as well as attitudes and values. Theoretically the paper takes its departure in theories of meritocracy and democracy as well as management theories. The analysis shows that NPM-inspired reforms have changed the context within which managers and senior municipal officials perform their tasks affecting both their role perceptions, interaction patterns and values. In comparison with their colleges from 1980, the municipal officials of 2016 to a higher degree cherish meritocratic and elitist democratic values. The changes are most profound within the care and education sector.

Government Steering over Two Decades: A Large-N comparison

Ahlbäck Öberg, Shirin

Wockelberg, Helena

Uppsala universitet, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen.

(Engelska)Ingår i: RC27 Structure and Organization of Government: Panel:  RC27.05 Out of Control or over Controlled? Incentives, Audits and New Public Management, 2016

Abstract [en]

The post-NPM debate on government control of state authorities is un-decisive in both problem description and in terms of suggested remedies. ‘Wicked problems’ are said to call for re-integration of state executives, and for enhanced government control in order to increase coordination between public organizations. At the same time, excessive (performance) control is accused of posing a threat to professionalism in the public sector and to its problem solving capacity. In this paper we build upon Verhoest et al’s (2004) suggestion that we need to treat autonomy as a multi-dimensional phenomenon and argue the importance of adopting a nuanced analytical perspective on issues of too much or too little control. Using a unique data set containing information on nearly 20 years of governmental steering as this is expressed in yearly appropriation direction documents (N=1330) issued by the Swedish government, we a) map out how the government’s demand for performance information has developed over time, and b) as we treat performance information demands as one out of many policy instruments in a government’s toolbox we also look for specific and stable combinations of different policy instruments (represented by autonomy dimensions). Our findings show that the number of performance information indicators requested from governments in appropriation direction-documents have on a general level decreased over time. From our bivariate and multivariate analyses we have shown that any government’s inclination to e.g. demand less performance information from its state agencies in general comes with a less autonomous management model for the state agency.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor


Statstjänstemannarollen ur ett förvaltningspolitiskt perspektiv Sundström, Göran Stockholms universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen. Stockholms universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Stockholms centrum för forskning om offentlig sektor (SCORE). 2018 (Svenska) Konferensbidrag, Muntlig presentation med publicerat abstract (Övrigt vetenskapligt) Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor 2018. Nationell ämneskategori Studier av offentlig förvaltning

Det finns ett kaos mellan verkligheten och kartan: Rapport från Förvaltningsakademins seminarium om den stora polisreformen Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders 2017 (Svenska) Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)

Abstract [sv]

Den första januari 2015 sjösattes den kanske största organisationsreform som genomförts i Sveriges statsförvaltning – omorganisationen där de 21 länspolismyndigheterna slogs ihop till en enda nationell polismyndighet. Syftet med reformen var att komma närmare medborgarna samtidigt som förmågan att fatta beslut på en samordnad central nivå skulle stärkas.

I november 2016 arrangerade Förvaltningsakademin ett seminarium om denna reform. I panelen deltog forskare, poliser, journalister och rikspolischef Dan Eliasson. Första delen av seminariet handlade om hur själva reformen blev till. Den andra delen var ett panelsamtal där deltagarna utifrån sina olika perspektiv diskuterade kring frågor som: Vilka negativa och positiva effekter kan vi se så här långt? Hur ser vi på framtiden?

I denna skrift presenteras en utskrift av seminariet. Här ges även ett teoretiskt perspektiv samt en översikt över de reformer den svenska polisen genomgått sedan mitten av 1960-talet.

Anders Ivarsson Westerberg är docent i företagsekonomi och verksam vid Förvaltningsakademin, Södertörns högskola.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor

Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2017. s. 88 Upplaga: 1