Publicerade uppsatser och rapporter

Aktuella rapporter:  

  • Eiter, S., Bele, B., Fjellstad, W.J., Flø, B.E., Sickel, H., Vennesland, B. & Dramstad, W. 2022. Mat og opplevingar i fjellet. Berekraftig bruk av lokale ressursar. NIBIO RAPPORT 8(121). Kan lastes ned: 

  • Bele, B., Rytkönen, P. & Tunón, H. 2020. Lokale matprodukter, kundepreferanser og biologisk kulturarv. NIBIO RAPPORT – Oppsummering av en kundeundersøkelse i Gävleborgs län, Sverige og i Trøndelag Fylke, Norge. NIBIO RAPPORT 6(156). Kan lastes ned: 

  • Stensgaard, K. 2015. Hvordan står det til på setra? Registrering av setermiljøer i perioden 2009–2015. NIBIO RAPPORT 3(88). Kan lastes ned: 

Aktuella artiklar:  

  • Zubiaurre, E., Bele, B., Simon, V.K., Reher, G., Rodríguez, A.D. Alonso, R. Castiglioni, B. 2022. Educational Strategies in Cultural Landscapes. Are we complying with the Faro Convention? Journal of European Landscapes 3: 11-25. Kan lastes ned: 

  • Zubiaurre, E., Bele, B. Simon, V. K., Reher, G., Rodríguez, A.D. Alonso, R. Castiglioni, B. 2022. Educational Strategies in Cultural Landscapes. Are we complying with the Faro Convention? Journal of European Landscapes 3: 11-25. 

  • Bele, Simon Nielsen, Orejas Saco del Valle & Ron Tejedo 2021. Intangible cultural heritage of transhumance landscapes: their roles and values – examples from Norway, France and Spain. In: Archaeopress Access Archaeology/special issue “Transhumance”. Kan lastes ned: 

  • Tunón, H., Rytkönen, P. & Bele, B. 2020. Are there lessons to be learnt? A comparative study of ethical challenges between community-based participatory research and case studies. In: Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández, Fred Saunders, Tatiana Sokolova (eds.). Co-creating actionable science. Reflections from the Global North and South. Cambridge Scholars Publishing p. 103-126.  Er denne frigitt av forlaget nå? 

  • Tunón, H., Rytkönen, P. & Bele, B. 2020. Are there lessons to be learnt? A comparative study of ethical challenges between community-based participatory research and case studies. In: Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández, Fred Saunders, Tatiana Sokolova (eds.). Co-creating actionable science. Reflections from the Global North and South. Cambridge Scholars Publishing p. 103-126. Kan lastes ned: 

  • Bele, B., Norderhaug, A. & Sickel, H. 2018. Localized agri-food systems and biodiversity. Agriculture 8(22), p. 17. Kan lastes ned: 
  • Bele, B., Johansen, L. & Norderhaug, A. 2015. Resource use by old and modern dairy cattle breeds on semi-natural mountain pastures, Central Norway. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Sect. A – Animal Science 65(2): 1-12. Kan lastes ned: