If you want to add something to this list of #metoo research in the Nordic countries, please email: khansson@dsv.su.se
Allern, S. och Pollack, E (2021) “When journalists lose their foothold: Swedish and Norwegian verification scandals in #MeToo-movements coverage” i Journalistik på kanten, red Allern, S. och Black-Ørsten M., specialnummer av Journalistica, nr. 1, 2021, s. 114–1138
Alvinius, Aida; and Arita Holmberg. (2019). Silence‐breaking butterfly effect: Resistance towards the military within #MeToo. Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 26, no. 9, September 2019, pp. 1255–1270.
Andersson, Miranda. (2018). #MeToo: A case study of #sistabriefen. Uppsala University. Retrieved from http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1219619&dswid=-9075
Askanius, Tina, and Jannie Møller Hartley. (2019). Framing Gender Justice. Nordicom Review, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 19–36. doi:10.2478/nor-2019-0022
Carlsson, Ninni (2021) Det personliga blir politisk, #Metoo. Kvinnors första organisering i Göteborg mot sexuella övergrepp. I: Stenberg, Lisbeth (red.) Att ge upp har inte övervägts. Göteborgskvinnor i rörelse/r. Stockholm: Makadam förlag.
Eklund, Jonna. (2018, September 12). #METOO – En studie om Metoos gestaltning i svenska medier [A study of the framing of metoo in Swedish Media. Gothenburg University. Retrieved from https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/57614
Engdahl, Emma., Ekbrand, Hans. och Nyman, Maria. (2021) #Metoo: En kamp för socialt erkännande och rättvisa, Sociologisk Forskning, 58(3), s. 199–216. doi: 10.37062/sf.58.22500.
Ganetz, Hillevi, Karin Hansson, and Malin Sveningsson. (2022). Maktordningar och motstånd –Forskarperspektiv på #metoo i Sverige. (H. Ganetz, K. Hansson, & M. Sveningsson, Eds.). Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
Ganetz, Hillevi, Karin Hansson, Malin Sveningsson (2020 ) #metoo, byggbranschen och de gröna näringarna. Rapport utgiven av Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap Stockholms universitet. Finns att beställa här: https://widget.publit.com/metoo_4454
Grubbström, Ann, and Stina Powel (2020). Persistent norms and the #MeToo effect in Swedish forestry education. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2020.1791243
Hansson, Karin, Malin Sveningsson, and Hillevi Ganetz (2023). “#metoo-Aktivismen i Sverige – Förklaringar, Betydelser Och Strategier.” Jämställdhetsmyndigheten, Göteborg.
Hansson, Karin; Malin Sveningsson; Hillevi Ganetz (2023). The significance of feminist infrastructure: #MeToo in the construction industry and the green industry in Sweden. Gender, Work and Organization. Online 11 April 2023. 21 p.
Hansson, Karin, Malin Sveningsson, and Hillevi Ganetz. (2022). #konstnärligfrihet: reifikation som förtryckshandling och motstrategi. Tidskrift För Genusvetenskap, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 49–71. doi:10.55870/TGV.V43I1.10549
Hansson, Karin (2020). #metoo petitions in Sweden 2017-2019. Stockholm: Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/K7REBF
Hansson, Karin., Pargman, Teresa C. and Bardzell, Shaowen. Materializing activism. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 30, 617–626 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10606-021-09412-5
Hansson, Karin., Sveningsson, Malin. and Ganetz, Hillevi. Organizing Safe Spaces: #MeToo Activism in Sweden. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 30, 651–682 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10606-021-09410-7
Hansson, Karin, Malin Sveningsson, Maria Sandgren, and Hillevi Ganetz. (2019). “We passed the trust on”: Strategies for security in #MeToo activism in Sweden. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Exploratory Papers. (p. 19). EUSSET. doi:10.18420/ecscw2019_ep14
Hansson, Karin, Malin Sveningson, Hillevi Ganetz, and Maria Sandgren. (2020). Legitimizing a feminist agenda: The #metoo petitions in Sweden 2017-2018. Nordic Journal of Media Studies No 2, 2020.
Hedin UC & Lane L (2018): Sexual harassment and whistleblowing in work organizations- has the #MeToo movement changed these processes? Conference paper to the NWLConference in Oslo 2018.
Hedin UC & Lane L (2020): The promise of the #MeToo movement for preventing and reporting sexual harassment. Social Science Research Network e-library, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3523159.
Hill, Amanda, and Emma Bratt. (2018). “Jag vill inte att du tafsar påmig” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Instagram-inlägg från #MeToo och #IHave. Högskolan i Jönköping. Retrieved from http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1181601&dswid=8830
Idås, T., Orgeret, K. S., & Backholm, K. (2020). # MeToo, Sexual Harassment and Coping Strategies in Norwegian Newsrooms. Media and Communication, 8(1), 57-67.
Johansson, Maria, Kristina Johansson, and Elias Andersson. (2018). #Metoo in the Swedish forest sector: testimonies from harassed women on sexualised forms of male control. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 419–425. doi:10.1080/02827581.2018.1474248
Lindqvist, Lisa, and Hillevi Ganetz. (2020). Brave women sound the alarm – representations of men and women in Swedish media coverage of #metoo. Journalistica, no. 1, 2020, pp. 14-46.
Lundgren, Silje, Eldén, Åsa, & Jonsson, Sofia (2020). Metoo as sextortion : Approaching testimonies from metoo through a corruption lens. Conference paper presented at the conference Long-term global perspectives on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace: Policy and practice International conference at The Museum of Work, Norrköping, Sweden 8-10 March 2020.
Møller Hartley, Jannie, and Tina Askanius (2020). Activist-journalism and the Norm of Objectivity: Role Performance in the Reporting of the #MeToo Movement in Denmark and Sweden. Journalism Practice.
Nauska, Kaisa. (2018). The Impact of the #MeToo Phenomenon on Working Conditions for Women in Finland Can Social Media Pressure Bring Change in Gender Politics? Retrieved from https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/148566/Nauska Kaisa.pdf?sequence=1
Nilsson, Bo; and Anna Sofia Lundgren. (2020). The #MeToo Movement: Men and Masculinity in Swedish News Media. Journal of Men’s Studies, 2020, pp. 1–18.
Pollack, Ester. (2019). Sweden and the #MeToo movement. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 185–200. doi:10.1386/iscc.10.3.185_1
Reestorff, Camilla M. (2019) Affective politics and involuntary autoethnography: Backlashes against# MeToo
– Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 2019
Reestorff, Camilla M. (2019). Lektor: Danske medier underminerer #MeToo i jagten på hurtige klik, videnskab.dk.
Salmonsson, Lisa. (2020). Is #akademiuppropet a kind of digital counter-public? European Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 89–98. doi:10.1177/1350506819885708
Salmonsson, Lisa. (2021). #Akademiuppropet : Social media as a tool for shaping a counter-public space in Swedish academia. In The Routhledge Handbook of the Politics of the #MeToo Movement (1st ed., pp. 439–449). Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Skare Orgeret, Kristin. (2019). Profesjonsdilemmaer i den norske #metoo-dekningen. Norsk Medietidsskrift, vol. 26, no. 03, pp. 1–16. doi:10.18261/ISSN.0805-9535-2019-03-03
Sletteland, Anja. (2018). Da #metoo kom til Norge [When #metoo came to Norway]. Tidsskrift for Kjønnsforskning [Journal for Gender Studies], vol. 42, no. 03, pp. 142–161. doi:10.18261/issn.1891-1781-2018-03-02
Storøy Elnan, Thea. (2019). After #metoo: How the campaign changed the way Norwegian journalists write about rape. Oxford, UK.
Sveningsson, Malin, Karin Hansson, Hillevi Ganetz, and Maria Sandgren. (2019). Framing the Swedish #metoo movement. In Nordmedia 2019, Malmö, Sweden. Malmö.
Svärd, Clara. (2017). “Två korta ord: me too#” En studie över #metoo:s nyhetsvärde och gestaltning i den svenska dagspressen [”Two short words: me too #” A study of #metoo’s news value and framing in the Swedish daily press]. Gothenburg University. Retrieved from https://expo.jmg.gu.se/wp-content/uploads/1027.pdf
Svärd, Clara. (2017). “Tvåkorta ord: me too#” En studie över #metoo:s nyhetsvärde och gestaltning i den svenska dagspressen. Gothenburg University. Retrieved from https://expo.jmg.gu.se/wp-content/uploads/1027.pdf
Uimonen, Paula. (2019). #MeToo in Sweden: Museum Collections, Digital Archiving and Hashtag Visuality. Ethnos, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–18. doi:10.1080/00141844.2019.1640264