Forsler, I. (2024). Virtual Reality in Education and the Co-construction of Immediacy. Postdigital Science and Education, doi:10.1007/s42438-024-00492-2.
Forsler, I., Bardone, E., & Forsman, M. (2024). The Future Postdigital Classroom. Postdigital Science and Education, doi:10.1007/s42438-024-00488-y.
Forsman, M., Forsler, I., Opermann, S., Bardone, E., & Pedaste, M. (2023). Future classrooms and ed-tech imaginaries. Notes from the Estonian pavilion at EXPO 2020 and beyond. Learning, media and technology, 49(1), pp. 133–146, doi:10.1080/17439884.2023.2237875.
Conference presentations
Ingrid Forsler, Michael Forsman, Emanuele Bardone & Pirjo Mõttus. The future classroom according to the ed tech industry. Rethinking educational spaces. Future Classroom, metaverse and AI, 12 April. Umeå University, online symposium.
Ingrid Forsler. Generative AI and algorithmic culture in the visual arts classroom. NERA2024, 6-8 March. Malmö University, Sweden.
Ingrid Forsler. “Please close your eyes while we move the camera” – VR in education and the co-construction of immediacy. NordMedia2023, 16-18 August. Bergen University, Norway.
Michael Forsman. The extended classroom: VR-casting between Edutopia and remediation. NordMedia2023, 16-18 August. Bergen University, Norway.
Signe Opermann & Emanuele Bardone. Future Classrooms and Ed-Tech Imaginaries: Visual and Discursive Analysis of Innovativeness in Tomorrow’s School. The 15th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe (CBSE), 15-17 June. Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Ingrid Forsler. Envisioning Edutopia: Transnational anticipations of the future classroom. NERA2023, 15-17 March. OsloMet, Norway.
Ingrid Forsler & Michael Forsman Envisioning educational futures: Ed-tech industry images of the ”smart classroom”. ECREA2022 19-22 Oct 2022, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Michael Forsman & Ingrid Forsler. Anticipating the nation and constructing the digital citizen for the future. Ed-tech imaginaries from Sweden and Estonia. ECREA2022 19-22 Oct 2022. Aarhus University, Denmark.
Ingrid Forsler. Envisioning educational futures. Sociotechnical imaginaries of the ‘smart classroom’. ICA 2022, 26-30 May. Paris, France.
Michael Forsman. Anticipating and mediating future classrooms. Ed-tech imaginaries of learning, communication and citizens making in Estonia and Sweden. Arr: Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), 7 February. Södertörn University, Sweden.