Policy briefs
D. Allhutter. AI and Data Analytics at Work: profiling of jobseekers and automated diversity recruiting (KI und Datenanalytik in der Arbeitswelt: Profiling von Arbeitssuchenden und automatisiertes Diversity Recruiting). Invited talk at the Chamber of Labor Salzburg, 5.03.2024, Salzburg/Austria.
D. Allhutter. Does AMAS fulfill the goals of the AMS? Profiling of jobseekers from a socio-technical perspective and in the view of audits. Invited talk the Conference ”Artificial Intelligence in the Audit Context” of the Austrian Court of Audit, University of Vienna, 26.02.2024, Vienna/Austria.
D. Allhutter. Artificial Intelligence in Supreme Audit Institutions (Künstliche Intelligenz in Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehörden), Invited Talk at the Austrian Court of Audit, 24.09.2023, Vienna/Austria.
Outreach/Media Coverage
A.Kaun. Offices are using more and more algorithms – what does that do to us?(Ämter setzen immer mehr Algorithmen ein – was macht das mit uns?) Der Standard. Interview. 26.09.2023 https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000188296/aemter-setzen-immer-mehr-algorithmen-ein-was-macht-das-mit-uns
A.Kaun. Offices are using more and more algorithms – what does that do to us?(Ämter setzen immer mehr Algorithmen ein – was macht das mit uns?) Der Standard. Interview. 26.09.2023 https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000188296/aemter-setzen-immer-mehr-algorithmen-ein-was-macht-das-mit-uns
A.Kaun. Einblick ins Kochrezept.Die Furche. Interview. 27.07.2023 https://annekaun.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/furche-algorithmen-ortis-20230727.pdf
A.Kaun. Uber AI must be co-determined (Uber KI muss mitbestimmt werden).Der Falter. Interview. 15.02.2023. https://annekaun.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/falter-bildung-ortis-s14_15_02_23_czil_cz.pdf