Activities and outputs
The outcomes and findings of the AUTO-WELF project will be disseminated in a number of different formats. All of the outputs will be made available online.
Strzelecka, C. (2024). Critical data studies meets discard studies: Waste data reflectivity in digital urban waste tracking system. Convergence, 0(0).
Allhutter, D. Allhutter, D. & Alushi, A. & Cavalcanti de Alcântara, R. & Männiste, M. & Pentzold, C. & Sosnowski, S. (2024). Public value in the making of automated and datafied welfare futures. Internet Policy Review, 13(3).
Bagger, C. (2024). Connectivity as productivity: Workplace from Meta and organizational datafication. Media, Culture & Society, 0(0).
Bagger, C. (2024). The Absent Algorithm: Communicating around artificial intelligence in enterprise social media. MedieKultur, 40(76), 77-99.
Lomborg, S., Kaun, A., & Scott Hansen, S. (2023). Automated decision-making: Toward a people-centred approach. Sociology Compass, 17(8), e13097,
Kaun, A., Larsson O., A., Masso, A. (2023). Automating public administration: citizens’ attitudes towards automated decision-making across Estonia, Sweden, and Germany. Information, Communication & Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2023.2205493
Kaun, A., Lomborg, S., Pentzold, C., Alhutter, D., Sztandar-Sztanderska, K. (2023). Crosscurrents: Welfare. In: Media, Culture & Society.
Bagger, C., Einarsson, A. M., Andelsman Alvarez, V., Klausen, M., & Lomborg, S. (2023). Digital Resignation and the Datafied Welfare State. Big Data & Society,10(2),
Kaun,A. & Liminga, A. (2023). Welfare Service Centers: Maintenance, Repair, and Care at the Analog Interfaces of the Digital Welfare State. New Media & Society,
Country reports
Berdys, M., Sosnowski, S., & Strzelecka, C. (2024). Challenges with Mapping the Landscape of Automated Decision-Making in Welfare States: Comparative Survey. Working Paper #05, CHANSE-funded research consortium “Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe.” (forthcoming)
Pentzold, C., Hughes, E., & Jacob, A. (2024). Country Report AUTO-WELF Germany. Automated Decision-Making Processes in German Core and Communal Welfare. Working Paper #04 of the CHANSE- funded research consortium “Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe”
Bagger, C., Schwarz, B., Jørgensen, R. F., Lomborg, S., Søe, S. O., & Neumayer, C. (2023). Mapping the Automated Decision-Making Landscape in the Danish Welfare State: Working Paper #01 of the CHANSE- funded research consortium “Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe”
Alushi, A., Ninni, F.(2024). Overview of automated decision-making landscape in the Italian welfare system. Working Paper #03 of the CHANSE- funded research consortium “Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe”
Kaun, A., Männiste, M., & Liminga, A. (2023). Mapping the automated decision-making landscape in Swedish and Estonian welfare state. Working Paper #02 of the CHANSE- funded research consortium “Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe”
Policy briefs
D. Allhutter. AI and Data Analytics at Work: profiling of jobseekers and automated diversity recruiting (KI und Datenanalytik in der Arbeitswelt: Profiling von Arbeitssuchenden und automatisiertes Diversity Recruiting). Invited talk at the Chamber of Labor Salzburg, 5.03.2024, Salzburg/Austria.
D. Allhutter. Does AMAS fulfill the goals of the AMS? Profiling of jobseekers from a socio-technical perspective and in the view of audits. Invited talk the Conference ”Artificial Intelligence in the Audit Context” of the Austrian Court of Audit, University of Vienna, 26.02.2024, Vienna/Austria.
D. Allhutter. Artificial Intelligence in Supreme Audit Institutions (Künstliche Intelligenz in Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehörden), Invited Talk at the Austrian Court of Audit, 24.09.2023, Vienna/Austria.
Outreach/Media Coverage
A.Kaun. Offices are using more and more algorithms – what does that do to us?(Ämter setzen immer mehr Algorithmen ein – was macht das mit uns?) Der Standard. Interview. 26.09.2023
A.Kaun. Offices are using more and more algorithms – what does that do to us?(Ämter setzen immer mehr Algorithmen ein – was macht das mit uns?) Der Standard. Interview. 26.09.2023
A.Kaun. Einblick ins Kochrezept.Die Furche. Interview. 27.07.2023
A.Kaun. Uber AI must be co-determined (Uber KI muss mitbestimmt werden).Der Falter. Interview. 15.02.2023.
4.-8. September 2024. Linz, Austria. Ars Electronica 2024. “HOPE – who will turn the tide”.
7 September 2024. Workshop ”Data for people”. Organised by Doris Allhutter and Astrid Mager.
5 September 2024, Södertörn University, Sweden – Opening of the installlation EZ Quality Sorter V2 as part of the ERBSENZÄHLER project, exploring the increasing quantification of life, by artist Verena Friedrich, assistant professor at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany.
6 September 2024, Södertörn University, Sweden – Artist talk by Verena Friedrich followed with a response by Associate Professor Alison Powell (LSE) and a Q&A moderated by Professor Anne Kaun. Ellen Bergmark Hinderson review ”Ambiguous Peas: Exploring Human/Technology Relationships through Verena Friedrich’s EZ Quality Sorter V2” about the artist talk and the discussion following the talk.
12 September 2024, Södertörn University, Sweden – Pea counters and automated bureaucrats: AI and algorithms in public administration: Panel discussion gathering decision-makers and representatives of the public sector to examine the state and potential of automated decision-making and artificial intelligence in public administration.
31 January 2024, Leipzig, Germany. Workshop: Keywords for Datafied Living, organised by CHANSE project Reimagining public values in algorithmic futures (PI:Minna Ruckenstein) and ERC-funded Datafied Living project (PI: Stine Lomborg).
Event served as a possibility have open-ended discussion datafication. map and reflect upon the landscape of excisiting and emerging concepts related to datafied life.
From AUTO-WELF team Anne Kaun, Stine Lomborg, Emma Hughes, Amela Muratspahić, Maris Männiste participated at the workshop.
16.-17. November 2023 – Workshop: Automating Welfare: short project and case-study presentations to consortium partners.
Event served as a possibility to discuss the preliminary results from the project and possible dissemination strategies and collaboration ideas with several cooperation partners. AUTO-WELF project leader Anne Kaun introduced the project aims and researchers Maris Männiste, Emma Hughes, Monika Berdys gave short overview of the three case studies in works. From AUTO-WELF team also PI Stine Lomborg and Amela Muratspahić pariticipated.
5.-6. June 2023 Vienna, Austria – Internationale Konferenz TA23: Infrastrukturen der zukunft: wie kann ta anstehende transformationen begleiten?
One of the AUTO-WELF project PI-s, Associate Professor Stine Lomborg gave a keynote lecture and preliminary results were presented and discussed in one of the panel discussions (see below for further info).
1. – 2. June 2023 Tallinn, Estonia – CHANCE Kick-Off conference: Transformations – Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age.
Event serves as a kick-off meeting for all of the CHANSE projects, including AUTO-WELF project.
Talks and presentations
16.-19. July, 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EASST-4S 2024 conference ”Making and doing transformations.”
- 19 July, 2024. Panel ”Infrastructures of welfare”. (Chaired by Doris Allhutter)
Anila Alushi. Experience and challenges in the datafication of health: exploring ADM systems in a multi-professional primary care unit, the Community House.
Astrid Mager. Data forensics in the welfare state. Semi-automated fraud detection between scientific evidence and individual instinct.
Rafaela del Alcantara, Doris Allhutter. Expectations of ADM and urban data management imagined futures
Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska, Joanna Mazur. Politics and algorithmic articulation of law: development of profiling algorithm in Polish labour market policies.
- 19 July, 2024. Panel ”Unpacking the hype: critical approaches to psychedelic studies”
Celina Strzelecka. Balancing narratives: ethical considerations in AI-driven psychedelic research.
25 September, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Panel “Automation and surveillance in governance”
- Amela Muratspahic. From decisions to data: Datafication and automation in the Swedish Public Employment Service
25 September, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Panel ”Communal welfare: Reimagining automated welfare provision” (chaired by Stine Lomborg & Rikke Frank Jørgensen. ECREA 2024 conference ”Communication and (dis)order”.
- Doris Allhutter, Astrid Mager and Rafaela Cavalcanti de Alcântara. Communal Infrastructures of Welfare: public value, data extractivism and data justice.
- Christian Pentzold, Emma Hughes. How to make smart place? Competitive space use, administrative overload, and holistic aspirations.
- Anne Kaun, Maris Männiste. Sensing the city: Smart traffic AI as communal welfare infrastructures.
27 September, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Panel “(Dis-) ordering datafication and automation: Towards people-centred ADM” (chaired by Stine Lomborg and Anne Kaun). ECREA 2024 conference ”Communication and (dis)order”. In addition to presentations by Hadley Beresford and Kaarina Nikunen, following AUTO-WELF researchers presented:
- Maris Männiste. Reimagining the interaction between the state and the citizen through a state-wide chatbot.
- Emma Hughes. ’Warm’ human interactions vs. ‘cold’ technological solutions – The case of Maternal Benefit.
- Stine Lomborg. Critical companionship for good datafield futures.
28.-30. August, 2024, Tampere, Finland. Anne Kaun gave a keynote titled: ”Digital Vulnerabilities in Automated Welfare:Moving Beyond Scandals Towards the Mundane”. ESPAnet Annual Conference 2024.
1.-2. February 2024 Leipzig, Germany – Conference: Big Data Discourses Communicating, Deliberating, and Imagining Datafication
Conference organised by German AUTO-WELF PI Christian Pentzold and Charlotte Knorr.
Several members from the AUTO-WELF team (Doris Allhutter, Astrid Mager, Anne Kaun, Sebastian Sosnowski, Mateusz Trochymiak, Amela Muratspahić, Maris Männiste) presented preliminary results from different AUTO-WELF case studies.
23.-24. October 2023 (virtual engagement) – Nethope Global Summit
Postdoc Benjamin Schwarz from Danish team presented on the topic “Denmark: Transformation of the analogue into the digital welfare state“
26 September 2023 Berlin, Germany. Public Interest AI – workshop.
Researchers Doris Allhutter, Emma Hughes, Sebastian Sosnowski, Christian Pentzold participated at a workshop which concentrated on the public interest AI and gave a presentation on the topic ”AI in Welfare: public policies, public interest, and political mandate”.
13.-15. September 2023 Milano, Italy – XVI ESPAnet Italy Conference ”Welfare systems in transition: between equity and sustainability”
Researchers (Anila Alushi, Emma Hughes, Christian Pentzold, Alice Mattoni) from AUTO-WELF Germany and Italy team gave a presentation on the topic ”Towards a mapping of ADM systems in 8 European countries”.
7.-9. September 2023 Warsaw, Poland – 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023 on ‘Challenges for the welfare state in turbulent times’.
AUTO-WELF PI-s Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska, Doris Allhutter together with Minna van Gerven, Stefano Sacchi chaired a panel Disruptive digital welfare states: how automation impacts the welfare state and citizen-state-relations’
7.-9. September 2023 Warsaw, Poland – 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023 ”Challenges for the welfare state in turbulent times”
Researchers (Monika Berdys, Sebastian Sosnowski, Celina Strzelecka) from AUTO-WELF Poland team gave a presentation on the topic ”Datafication and its Impact: Mapping the Landscape of Automated Decision-Making in Polish Welfare System”.
16.-18. August 2023 Bergen, Norway – NordMedia23 ”Technological Takeover? Social and Cultural Implications – Promises and Pitfalls”
Professor Anne Kaun (AUTO-WELF Project Lead and Sweden team) gave a presentation on the topic ”Digital matchmaking: the role of incubators and matching platforms for the digital welfare state”.
20 June 2023 Copenhagen, Denmark – WORKSHOP: Digital and sensory expertise.
Postdocs Maris Männiste and Benjamin Schwarz participated at the workshop and talked about insights from Estonian and Danish welfare state.
19.-20. June 2023 Cardiff, UK – Third International Data Justice Conference ”Collective Experiences in the Datafied Society”
PhD Researcher Rafaela Alcantara from AUTO-WELF Austrian team gave a presentation on the topic of ”Smart cities and feminist perspectives on the urban space: Connecting the dots towards the right to the city”.
6 June 2023 Vienna, Austria – Infrastrukturen der Zukunft: Wie kann TA anstehende Transformationen begleiten? Internationale Konferenz TA23, Austrian Academy of Sciences.
PhD Researcher Rafaela Cavalcanti de Alcantara from Austrain team presented her research titled: ““Smart city” initiatives and welfare: reflections on the datafication of urban life.”
In addition, Postdocs Benjamin Schwarz (Danish team) and Maris Männiste (Swedish team) gave a presentation on the topic of “Reconceptualizing the ‘state’ in the age of automatization“.
15.-17. March 2023 Aachen, Germany – 2023 Conference: Circulations, Panel: Cyborgs, Grenzobjekte, Diffractions & Co: Die feministischen Wurzeln der STS und ihre Zirkulierungen.
Associate Professor Doris Allhutter from AUTO-WELF Austrian team gave a talk about on the topic of ”„Algorithmen im Sozialstaat neu-materialistisch gedacht.“